4 Projects to Tackle on Your Summer Staycation

Hand turns a dice and changes the expression "vacation" to "staycation".

Summer is in full swing, and many of us are dreaming of a relaxing vacation. This year, one in four Americans are skipping the traditional vacation, opting instead for a staycation. Staycations can be just as fun as traveling, without the added expense. Plus, they give homeowners a chance to scratch a project (or two) […]

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5 Ways to Save Money on Your Electric Bill this Summer

luxury livingroom with maple floors and leather furniture

Summer is nearly here, and the temperature is rising. You’re tempted to run the air conditioning on full blast but wait…don’t do that! You want to save money this summer, not waste it. Follow these simple tips to keep your electric bill low and spirits high.1. Switch to a smart thermostat You might be thinking… […]

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Enhance Your Curb Appeal with Front Door Lighting

Welcoming residential entryway with overhead litghting

Think of your front door as center stage of your property. When the sun goes down, can guests find it? If so, is it warm and inviting? Front door lighting invites guests in and creates a welcoming atmosphere, all while showcasing your home’s personality.Why Install Front Door Lighting?Front door lighting essentially serves three purposes. It […]

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How to Heat Your Home (Safely) this Winter

Wood burning stove, radiator and convector heater.

As temperatures drop this winter, your first reaction may be to crank up the thermostat. But then you remember what it costs to heat your entire home and wonder if there are better options available. Let’s look at a few other methods to keep warm in the coming months. Wood-Burning Fireplaces Traditional fireplaces look great […]

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Upgrade to USB Outlets and Expand Your Capabilities

White electric outlet

Are your current electrical outlets living up to their full potential?We’re all familiar with the basic electrical outlet, a modern convenience for more than a century. Not much has changed in the past few decades, but recent technological advancements have made electrical outlets even more useful than ever before!How? USB charging ports built into the […]

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